A "Skull and Shackles" Pathfinder 2E Podcast
Tag: <span>Level 16</span>

Ep. 171 | Kill Barnabas: Volume 2

Near dead and running out of time, the crew of the Tidebreaker regroup and race to find the escaping Harrigan. Will a second fight allow them the opportunity they need to kill Barnabas or will this be the end of Captain Casius and his faithful crew? Find out as we finish the fight in this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!!!

Ep. 170 | Kill Barnabas: Volume 1

This is it, the party led by Casius finally arrives and meets their old pressganging Captain Barnabas Harrigan inside his fortress keep. Will they have the revenge they so rightly deserve or will this spell the end for this party and this podcast? Find out on a climatic finale to book 5 of Skull and Shackles on this week’s DMRNC!

Ep. 169 | Tongue Fu Panda

Racing through Fort Harrigan the parties divide and conquer as the islands witchy watcher takes on the likes of Sharga, Bartleby, Ozzie and Kovik. Will they be able to fight this finnicky foe and give Captain Casius and the rest the time they need to take on Barnabas? Or will the tricky tongue of this mystic man be too much for them! Find out this week on Dead Men Roll No Crits!