A "Skull and Shackles" Pathfinder 2E Podcast
Tag: <span>Level 14</span>

Ep. 162 | The Cabin in the Wyrmwood

This week the crew of the Tidebreaker take their victory lap as they have defeated Barnabas Harrigan’s fleet and have taken the Wyrmwood. But is this yet another trap or will Captain Casius finally get his revenge? Find out on this weeks Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 161 | Isle Be Home for Critmas

This week the crews of the Tidebreaker and the regained Spider’s Silke are rejoined and the crew rejoined on the Isle of Empty Eyes. Plans are made for the upcoming naval battle as new allies and old come together to stem the tide of Harrigan’s fleet. Will the Isle of Empty Eyes be the site of victory or a watery grave for the heroes? Find out this week with Mass Naval Combat on Dead Men Roll No Crits!!

Ep. 160 | It Barracuda Happen to You

The heroes exit the Black Tower with their spoils, but a new foe awaits them outside. But will Captain Casius be able to return to the Isle of Empty Eyes with enough clout to raise a pirate army? Or will Barnabas Harrigan overrun the crew of the Tidebreaker and take their new sword for his own? Find out this week on Dead Men Roll No Crits! 

Ep. 159 | The Shrouded Queen’s Gambit

A deep dark hole in the Black Tower holds a secret kept locked away for decades. Does Captain Casius and the crew have what it take in order to unseal an ancient horror and claim the sword Aiger’s Kiss for themselves? Or will they fall prey to the machinations of the Shrouded Queen? Find out all that and more on this week’s DMRNC!

Ep. 158 | Prolapse of Memory

This weeks episode sees the resolution to the nail biting cliffhanger of last weeks episode? Will the party fall victim to the yellow mold? Will Qandoso survive two of those arcane horrors? Will Patrick ever again roll anything besides a natural 1 on his first attack in a round? Find out all that and more on this episode…of Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 157 | The Towering Portico

This week Captain Casius and the crew continue on to the take on the dark tower, ascending the impossibly large wizardly structure. But will they find a red carpet waiting for them, or traps and tricks that are meant to try those wishing entrance? Well we uncover the secrets of Druid pooping habits? We’ll find out all that and more along with the players this week as we enter into another dark stairwell on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 156 | The Darkish Tower

This week we head back to follow the tales of Captain Casius as he aims to explore the isle of the Black Tower, find what treasures lie within, and gain renown in the Shackles before his fated conflict with Barnabas Harrigan. But what ancient unknown horrors lie in wait around the isle’s jungle forests? Find out with us what is going to carry away Casius this book on this week’s episode of Dead Men Roll No Crits!!!

Ep. 155 | Tales of the Floating Dead

Captain Elaerys has to retrieve her ship and save her crew, but will she be able to avoid an undead ambush alongside Hanto, Bartleby and Kovik? Find out of this week’s episode of Dead Men Roll No Crits!