A "Skull and Shackles" Pathfinder 2E Podcast
Tag: <span>B-Team</span>

Ep. 128 | Swamp of the Dragon

The B-team rescue of Captain Casius and the rest has turned into a full blown race against time to try and rescue poor Jack Scrimshaw, but does he really need a rescue? What lurks upon the mangrove isle of the Black Dragon and will Sharga manage to fulfill her acidic blood oath? Find out all this and more on this week’s DMRNC!

Ep. 127 | Salinity Pool

While crossing the dead marshes Sam and Frodo…er, I mean the sailors of B-team, find a evil trap laying in wait for them. Dark reflections threatens to stymy the party’s advance to save Jack Scrimshaw from a dragon’s dinner. Can they solve the the mystery of the deadly reflecting pools or is it time for them to permanently take a dip down below? Find out on this week’s episode of Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 126 | Win, Lose, or Claw

We shift back this episode to the camp site to follow what happened to Scrimshaw Jack after he went running for help. Can the intrepid heroes of B-team follow the path and assist in Sumitha? Or will the Isle of Empty Eyes claim another set of 4 victims?

Ep. 102 | Butch Cassius and the Sundance Kidnapping

This week the crew seek to reunite at the Tidebreaker, but an unknown enemy has other plans for them. Will they be able to return to the safety in numbers and shelter of their vessel or will everything be lost on the shores of the Bay of no Hospitality? Find out this week on Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 101 | Epic Trap Battles of History

We are back from the episode 100 and side quest zombie bonanza back to the adventure in the Shackles. We return to the overdue exploration of the abandoned “fort” as Casius would call it, and the mysterious trap laying man holed up inside one of the buildings…and his pet monkey. Will they crew survive the gauntlet of electrifying eels? Find out on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 100 | What Deadly Dreams May Come

You’ve sailed the Shackled Seas with us for the last two years, meeting heroes and pirates, going on swash-buckling adventures and joining the crew of the Tide Breaker on their quest for plunder, prestige and a piece of pirate council.

We are taking this week to celebrate and explore these mighty PCs in a double-long episode #100! The entire crew is summoned together to take on an epic threat that threatens to wipe out the ship! Can the crew fight off the evil that exists within the center of the Island of Empty Eyes, or will they fall to the fearsome foes that flourish along these fetid fields? 

Find out on this weeks Dead Men Roll No Crits!!!

Ep. 99 | This is Spinal Trap

With seemingly the remaining Ether Spider in retreat the crew exploring the destroyed fortress decides to venture south. There they find signs of life as booby traps abound in these buildings, but who or what is setting them up? Find out on this weeks episode of Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 98 | Phase-Spider: Across the Spider-Church

An old abandoned church, in a ghost-ridden destroyed fortress, honoring a dead god…what could go wrong? The crew are believe themselves to be alone but something hides within the ether, stalking them as they slink through the desecrated pews of Aroden’s place of worship. Will they survive or will they join the ghost pirates of the Isle of Empty Eyes? Find out on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 97 | Nightmare on Cozy Cabin Street

A chance for rest for the Scooby Doo gang of Captain Casius, Elaerys, Bartleby and Ozzie opens up as a Cozy Cabin is cast outside the abandoned fortress. But something lurks inside the haunted halls as something akin to a dream is sent to attack! Will the crew fight their way out of a close quarters combat of their own design or will Freddy Krueger strike back? Find out on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 96 | House of Hands and Fog

Bypassing the mystical ghost pirates the Scooby-Doo gang exploring the fortress bypasses the crumbling entrance and seeks another means of entrance. Unfortunately for them something awaits them in the darkness, and these evil monsters are quite inappropriately handsy! Find out how the crew shakes hands with doom in this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 95 | Ghost in the Sea Shell

We are switching things up and going back in time to see how the other side of the crew is doing this week. Captain Casius and Elaerys call on the nebbish Bartleby and the enigmatic Ozzie to aid them in investigating a mystery! Something odd is happening in the abandoned fortress and the gang has to get to the bottom of it on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 94 | Voyage to the Bottom of the Bay

The hexploration crew finally make it to the barrier island and plan their assault on the giant octopus’s lair! The slippery beast though lies in wait and is expecting trouble, so its up to Hanto, Qandoso, Sharga and Kovik to fight this tentacled terror! Find out who prevails on this week’s Dead Men Roll No Crits!”

Ep. 93 | How to Lose a Fungi in 10 Actions

The hexploration team continues their march south towards the inlet of the Bay of No Hospitality! After finding a nude fey what can this island throw at them next? As they enter a salt marsh something awaits them…a random encounter of doom! Find out if they can survive on this weeks Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 92 | Naked Lady in the Water

This week while exploring the new Outdoors team of Hanto, Qandoso, Sharga and Kovik are on the trail of a giant octopus. While exploring the coast though they come across a secretive grotto hiding a deadly secret! Will their modesty win out and can they make a new friend here on the Island Of Empty Eyes? Find out on this week of Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 79 | The Consuming Gardeners

This week the B-team continue their search of the Jasperleaf Apothecary and with only one floor left what else could there be to attack them? Imagine four sentient potatoes with a taste for demonic flesh and weeks of hunger pains. Well we will find all about that and what evidence that they could find that the officers couldn’t on this weeks Dead Men Roll No Crits!

Ep. 62 | Armored and Dangerous

We are back aboard the Tidebreaker this week looking for a vessel and a magical ring, but in this week’s episode, we look at the events through the eyes of the crew, especially the B-team as they watch the officers lead them into dangerous waters and combat with another magical pirate captain!

Ep. 32 | One Punch Manticore

On this week’s DMRNC history repeats itself as the new crew of the Tidebreaker are welcomed aboard with games and drinks. The crew hardly has time to celebrate as its back to work with acts of piracy! A Rhamadoumi vessel is on the horizon and looks laden with goods and plunder!