A "Skull and Shackles" Pathfinder 2E Podcast
Ep. 17 | Lord of the Botflies

Ep. 17 | Lord of the Botflies

This week’s DMRNC’s you will see a party divided as they lick their wounds from Casius’ brush with death. The pirates continue searching the lodge at the cliffside and find its former inhabitant…or perhaps we should say he finds them!

GM Notes

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Conversion Notes (SPOILERS BELOW):

So this week had another ghoul in it, and a new creature that was converted from rules in the PF2E Bestiary and from the original PF1E Adventure Path of Skull and Shackles. The Botfly Swarm is an extremely frightening enemy in first edition, especially if you could not deal the all important area effect damage. In second edition swarms are resistant to most damage but are still defeatable with normal means. I enjoy that a great deal, and the Botfly swarm was created here to mimic the Mosquito swarm from a few episodes back.

Keying these combats in so that they are potentially deadly but still not impossible is always a trick, but I think the players realize now just how hard they can be if they don’t take the time to heal and rest. I am excited to move on next week into a new scenario and see how this stacks up with the climax of book 1 of the AP!